Этнография и регионоведение
- Этнография и культура бурят
Курс освящает следующие темы: Общие сведения о бурятах (эхириты, булагаты, хори, хонгодоры). Этногенез и этническая история бурят. Традиционные типы хозяйствования у бурят (собирательство, охота, скотоводство, рыболовство, земледелие). Традиционная система жизнеобеспечения (жилище, пища, одежда, украшения). Семья и семейные отношения. Религия бурят (шаманизм, буддизм, православие). Язык и письменность у бурят. Бурятский фольклор. Народная музыкальная культура. Декоративно-прикладное искусство. Профессиональная культура бурят (театр, искусство, музыка).
Преподаватель – Е.К. Шаракшинова, заведующий кафедрой бурятской филологии, доцент
- The Buryat Ethnicity in Siberia
(Language of instruction - English)
The course covers the basic issues concerning the ethnic history of the Buryats.The topics of the course: the social organization of the Buryats and traditional activities;traditional settlements; family and family life; foods and cuisine; traditional clothing;the Buryat language and its dialects; folklore, myths and legends; Shamanism and Buddhism as Buryat religions; ethnic identity of the Buryats and political processes in the Buryat community.The life of the Buryats in modern Russia will also be analyzed.
- Regions of Russia and the world in comparative perspective
(Language of instruction – English or Russian).
Globalization is a political trend that has had the greatest impact on the last decades. At the same time we witness an emerging trend of regionalization in economic, political, and geographical senses - between countries and within countries; this trend gives rise to serious political consequences. Russia, which alone occupies 1/7 of the world territory, is a country where regional approach is indispensable. To get an idea of Russia as a whole one should not only realize its regional diversity but have knowledge of its different regions which collectively make the country. The course offers a complex social-political, cultural and economic - approach to understanding, studying and explaining regional diversity of Russia viewed against the general international background. Basic information is given about the regional dimension of Russia’s nature, population, history, culture and economy and the way they factor in the Russian societal life and political processes. Methods of regional studies applied to Russia and other countries are considered. Regionalization can be seen as one of these methods. Differences in the approaches of the two leading schools of regionalization - Russian and American - are considered.
Lecturer – Yekaterina Lesnikovskaya (Е.В. Лесниковская, доцент кафедры востоковедения и регионоведения стран АТР)